Samardac Organic Method

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
Just seen Video-1

Yes..Loft could be understimated
It's an "user-friendly" tool, but don't give complete control when make some surfaces,like sweep or network with his options can give.
Could be a good method if you want to get first "raw" shape ,then extract isocuves to refine it or use them to build better surfaces with other tools
It depends by degree of detail you need and by complexity of the shape you want to get.


Andrei: <<hope it extends MOI in new area>>

Moi is ALREADY extended in all available areas !!!(if you followed forum in last 3 years,you could seen lot of examples)
I think we make a mistake,making these tutorials..showing how simple is to get cool models with MOI...Michael could relax himself and slow down development
We shoud start to complain with him..... :) :)
..anyway..we can see cleary that all tools are good enough to construct shapes so:what we need more?
I think it's time to have more control on builded surfaces(more control and management on the points of surfaces and something like that)
i'm not expecting right now" T-points" or "Star-points" ;-) but not consider it just a CAD Nurbs modeler,then just follow classic Nurbs methods..Moi could be much more !
So i agree what Andrei says:"extend Moi in new area", but this mean(first of all) an help by Michael :)
Hybrid modeling will be the future ;-)

Good going,Andrei !