Plugin Dialog Box

 From:  Michael Gibson
6030.2 In reply to 6030.1 
Hi Sharif, re: #2 - the dialog being expandable is controlled by the script that opens the dialog, there are options that are passed in a string as the second parameter to moi.ui.createDialog(), and if you leave out 'resizeable' from those options the dialog will not be resizeable.

It's generally good for dialogs that may contain a bunch of things in them to be resizeable though.

But anyway to not be resizeable your script that launches the dialog might look like this:

script:moi.ui.createDialog( 'Plugins.htm', 'defaultWidth:43em,defaultHeight:32em' );

As a comparison the one that opens the options dialog is like this (note the 'resizeable' parameter in there).

moi.ui.createDialog( 'Options.htm', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:43em,defaultHeight:32em' );

I'll take a look at your split issue.

- Michael