A quick (and dirty) Script Palette script

 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
>> works only at the first re-launch of Moi! Cool... :)
>> ...but not at the second re-launch! :(
>> And disappears from the Shortcut list!

Found another little trick:
Create copies for each category. For example one for spirals, '../ui/ScriptSpirals.htm'
Change Line 22 to utilize a different character, unique for each category, as the '?' had been suggested: title = line.match(/\/\*\?(.+)\*\//);

[Shortcut Keys]
Alt+1=script: /*!Spirals...*/ moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/ScriptSpirals.htm' );
Alt+2=_ArchimedeanSpirals_ /*?ArchimedeanSpirals*/
Alt+3=Logarithmic2D /*?Logarithmic 2D*/
Alt+4=EulerSpiralSlider /*?Euler Spiral*/
Alt+5=EulerSpiral3 /*?Euler Spiral v3*/
Alt+6=FrenetClothoid3D_RK2_v1 /*?Frenet Clothoid 3D*/Alt+DownArrow=Nudge Down Small
A=Join /*!Join*/
Alt+S=IncrementalSave /*!Incremental Save*/
Ctrl+R=ReBuild /*!ReBuild*/
Ctrl+Shift+S=ScaleArray /*!ScaleArray*/
G=SpurGearProfile /*!Spur Gear*/
z=script:moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://ui/ScriptPalette.htm' );

This way, items from the first list can 'createDialog' for other sub-categories:

And since each category file parses the ini file separately, the process remains repeatable!!
Even though, there are still yet a finite number of key-codes available for listing.

EDITED: 25 Apr 2015 by IGNITER
