Supercar in moi3d update and some questions

 From:  nikola (ZENOX3D)
5973.12 In reply to 5973.9 
Hi Michael,

Thanx for your help and advices.I sent a message to punchcad team and asked them to tell me is it good to use viacad 2d/3d v8 for creating vehicular forms.Also I will google it and check their forum.I will be patient for better tools in the future for moi3d,like matchsurf for example.Until then I will push the limits with product design and other industrial design stuff.Thanx again for creating awesome software moi3d.Must say when working in 3ds max 8 years ago,I always escaped from nurbs tools.Thanx to moi3d and rhino3d I found it is very valuable to work with nurbs tools.Best wishes for your future projects Michael.

Best Regards from Nikola