Security request for future MoI

 From:  TpwUK
5937.6 In reply to 5937.3 
Thanks Michael - I did indeed know about the rhino/Open3DM feature to add author/creator details, but as you have said, all you need is a decent text editor and it's bye bye details, I just wondered if there was a part of the file header that could be encrypted and thus be hidden from prying eyes. As a former internet security advisor in the past (thank God i don't do that role any-more) It's never a good idea to store computer user names in a plain text fashion, it's just itching to be abused by a hacker and would obviously be a source for social engineering. Most large scale industries know the basic rules these days but private users are still slow catching up, but are far less a target unless they happen to be a sub-contracted employee for a large corporation, but again in that role the corp should take responsibility for the security issues.

All the best - Michael ( I still love MoI)