getOption behavior

 From:  dinos
Hi Michael,
i've had some free time and decided to have a go at a script that i'd love to have.

I'll need to use getOption to read an moi.ini option, preferably from memory.

I've run a few tests and the following works as expected:
moi.ui.commandUI.alert( moi.command.getOption('din_test') );

moi.ui.commandUI.alert( moi.command.getOption('NonRepeatingCommands', true));

BUT these ones do not:
moi.ui.commandUI.alert( moi.command.getOption('NonRepeatingCommands'));
moi.ui.commandUI.alert( moi.command.getOption('Backspace')); (or any other option outside [Commands])
moi.ui.commandUI.alert( moi.command.getOption('Backspace', true));

Is that the intended behavior of getOption?
Is there any way to read from javascript a whole block of options, for example all the [Shortcut Keys] ?

Also, thanks for DisableFileCaching :-) Makes script development a lot easier!