Problems with exports to AI and DXF

 From:  Michael Gibson
5914.9 In reply to 5914.7 
I just did a quick debug test, and it does appear that the circles that are not placed properly are ones where the "extrusion direction" of the circle which defines its local coordinate system happens to be pointing in the downward z direction rather than the upward z direction as the rest of them.

So if you want to send in any bug reports for those programs, you could include that information - the "Object coordinate system" (OCS) is not being handled correctly in those programs for circles with a downward pointing extrusion direction vector.

I could probably adjust this in MoI so that it would automatically flip the extrusion vector in cases like this so that it would always be pointing towards the world z axis direction and that would then avoid running into that particular bug in these importers, I'll put that on my list.

- Michael