64 bit version question

 From:  Michael Gibson
5885.12 In reply to 5885.9 
Hi mir4ea, here's the second script:

script: /* Replacement for Edit > Hide - on "unhide" this will only show the parent object and not all its edges */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; if ( gd.getSelectedObjects().length != 0 ) { gd.hide(); } else { var objs = gd.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i ) { var obj = objs.item(i); if ( obj.hidden ) { obj.hidden = false; obj.selected = true; } } }

This one can be used as a replacement for Edit > Hide. If something is selected it will hide it the same as how Edit > Hide works. If nothing is selected, it will do an "unhide" but unlike the regular unhide this version will not modify edges so if any edges were hidden when the full object was hidden, with this unhide those edges will remain hidden when the main object is shown again.

So you can use this instead of the regular Edit > Hide button and it should hopefully not cause as much problems with the edge visibility coming back.

Hope these help!

- Michael