Pure awesomeness

 From:  F.ip2 (CEKUHNEN)
5880.10 In reply to 5880.9 
Hi Michael,

I fully understand I was just curious. The hand adjustment of the mesh can often fix some of the bad artifacts while this way maintaining also a less dense polygon mesh for rendering.
However if time is an issue I tried out the edge settings and those problems often disappear once a certain mesh density is reached and the surface flow is amazing - just the file size increases.

But this is both fully workable, NURBS to render polygon is just a matter of making trade offs before your lock up your computer because you ran out of ram, hahaha

Happened to me twice this night.

Thanks again for this wonderful mesher!

How complex is actually the math behind this? I can only imagine that this must be an incredible tough job to translate a NURBS data into a polygon mesh.