Export flat planar surfaces as illustrator lines

 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hi there,

I'm doing a lot of 2D work in MoI lately and I'm using flat surfaces to put a bit of color in my designs.

It would be great if you could export flat surfaces as edges when saving as .AI

Like when you do the script: /* switch selection from a face to its edges */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; var faces = gd.getSelectedObjects().getFaces(); gd.deselectAll(); for ( var i = 0; i < faces.length; ++i ) faces.item(i).getEdges().setProperty( 'selected', true );

But only at export time.

For now I have to keep edges of every surfaces as separate elements so they get exported.

Thank you :)
shapenoid.com stojan-voumard.com