union failing

 From:  Michael Gibson
5769.2 In reply to 5769.1 
Hi Ari, it can be difficult for booleans to process some cases that have a lot of stuff that's kind of skimming and overlapping over the same surface or edge area, especially if the pieces are very slightly different shaped from one another so that they kind of wave in and out of contact just barely.

Although it looks like you've got a little bit of space around each tile which should help.

In a case like this with a whole lot of colliding pieces, it can help to do things in a few different steps instead of all at once, like try initially to get all the tiles and the main board unioned together first, then focus on getting the legs onto the board after that.

I'll take a bit closer look, probably the difficult area of overlap/skimming collisions is in the top areas of the support legs where they come together. That may need some individual attention to slice off some of those areas using Trim first before it will be tidy enough to do a larger boolean.

- Michael