Peopeller blade

 From:  AirAce (KENT777)
OK I'm a newby. I'm having difficulty learning how to use this forum.
I make full scale airplane propeller blades of wood. I have a Probotix CNC FireFox Meteor on order.

I think MOI3D is the CAD that I need. It would be nice if I knew exactly where to start. I downloaded the trial verson of MOI3D.

I tried to attach a draing to this thread but when I do, this whole discussion forum evaporates from my screen. : [

My blade drawings are on paper, they were done many years ago. Typically a blade is about 35" long and 7" wide.
The drawing defines 10 stations spanwise and each station is defined by 10 stations cordwis. Each cord line has a slightly different angle. In other words the blade has a twist in it.

I can attach a drawing to a regular e-mail if someone wanted to look at it.