Attention MoI & Keyshot users

 From:  TpwUK
5689.3 In reply to 5689.2 
No ... I am not saying that ... but that they will treat it as a step or iges where they import it in directly and then translate it using their own native meshing tool. At present Keyshot will only import 3DM files from Rhino that have been saved with the render mesh data included, since MoI don't save with a render mesh option, then you have to export to a supported format such as obj or step etc. Keyshot are saying they can read the NURBS directly and convert it directly into their own BIP format but will only do so if enough users ask for it.

It would be good to see this happen as it would make it the first high end rendering tool to support MoI directly as far as i know, and could possibly swing more new users to MoI too

Martin Spencer-Ford