Reference image from clipboard or with "drag and drop"

 From:  Michael Gibson
5623.4 In reply to 5623.3 
Hi JPVikholm, here's a script that you can put on a shortcut key to trigger a reload of all current images:

script: /* reload all background images */ var Images = moi.view.getBackgroundImages(); for ( var i = 0; i < Images.length; ++i ) { Images.item(i).reload(); }

To set that up, go to Options> Shortcut keys, and then push the "Add" button to add in a new entry. Put in whatever you want for the "key" column (like maybe R for reload?) and then for the command column paste in the above script and then when you push R all images should reload from their disk file and the display should update.

Hope that will help to streamline your process.

- Michael