Squircle script

 From:  James (JFH)
5616.34 In reply to 5616.32 


Thank you for your work on Squircle node.
I believe your efforts to learn how to encapsulate your various scripts into nodes
will inevitably make they adoption more widespread.

As far as Squircle node goes, I think it would value from a "centre" input as per other shape nodes
so that it may dynamically positioned. Also the addition of multiprocessing is a vast improvement,
but it does not presently operate over multiple instantiations.

To get a better sense of my meaning, please have a look at attached NOD file.
Whereas the star ratios range across the array, the sqFactor applies similarly to each instance.
Hope this helps!

Keep up the good work

EDITED: 19 Feb 2022 by JFH


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