Japanese text - wrong direction

 From:  Michael Gibson
5611.9 In reply to 5611.8 
Hi Paul,

> In Illustrator, the font types horizontally unless I use the vertical type tool.

Hmmm, I guess they must have some special handling of the @ fonts to do that. I could do something like that in MoI too - basically "unrotate" the already-rotated characters from those @ fonts when processing stuff. I guess I'd better make absolutely sure that all @ fonts are supposed to be already rotated like that.

> By basic formatting, I guess because I use a lot of Adobe stuff, I'm used to what they
> offer in all their products. Font size, height, width, kerning, force all caps, spacing between
> characters, etc.

I'd definitely characterize stuff like kerning adjustment to not be just basic formatting - those are advanced typesetting controls for programs that have a significant focus on generating printed text output... MoI just does not have that same kind of overall 2D print oriented focus in it. I do want to add more stuff in that general area in the future but I'm not sure if it will ever get to the same level of detail as a more dedicated 2D tool.

> Things like type along curve would be really great (maybe it exists - I don't normally do a lot of text).

I think that eventually this will get added as a part of the Text tool. In the meantime, it is possible now in v3 to use the new Flow command to edit text to apply it to a curve though, see here for an example: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=5097.2 , that can get it done right now.

- Michael