How make that ?

 From:  Michael Gibson
5590.36 In reply to 5590.33 
Hi Martin,

> In one way I was hoping you were going to say that it was poor integration of ACIS into
> ViaCAD, because that can be worked around.

Well I can't say for certain that is not the case since it's not like I have any specific information on the internals of ViaCAD.

But it seems doubtful that it would be a problem specific to only ViaCAD rather than ACIS itself.

> As a last grasp at this Michael, do you (or anyone else, reading this) have some other ACIS based software
> that you could try importing the SAT file contained in my zip attachment, and check whether/how the
> problems persist there?

I gave it a quick try with Alibre, and it's hard to see for certain but it appeared to open with the lumpy surface in place from the start, which probably means that Alibre converts these kinds of analytic surfaces into plain NURBS , either that or it uses the NURBS version of the surface for its display.

- Michael