How make that ?

 From:  BurrMan
5590.34 In reply to 5590.33 
I didnt have another ACIS based system to look with, but here's a quick look at ParaSolids Handeling of the file. (Autodesk failed to load the SAT file)

Note how converting the surface to NURBS actually has Parasolids reconstruct the trim boundries completely different.

It's a good view to see how different kernels will do things differently. Interoperability has always been a burden. All the understanding will go along way in helping people get results. Parasolids will do the same thing to other kernels. The higher end fancy stuff doesnt go around "generic" or you wouldnt need higher end fancy stuff.

It's a good lesson for anyone who would "blame" a software. ACIS isnt really doing anything "BAD". If you keep the analytic surface analytic surface, then it's perfect!