How make that ?

 From:  blowlamp
5590.33 In reply to 5590.32 
Hi Michael.

In one way I was hoping you were going to say that it was poor integration of ACIS into ViaCAD, because that can be worked around.

If ACIS really is this flawed - and I don't doubt your word, I just can't quite believe this chasm of quality exists within it - then it does seem to make the notion of moving files between applications very hit and miss and not something to be done without some serious thought first.

I can understand a poor input surface being responsible for generating a poor output surface (GIGO), but I do struggle a bit with good going to bad, especially if it's not flagged in some way.

As a last grasp at this Michael, do you (or anyone else, reading this) have some other ACIS based software that you could try importing the SAT file contained in my zip attachment, and check whether/how the problems persist there?

Martin (2).