V3 beta Nov-6-2012 (Win/Mac) available now

 From:  Michael Gibson
5524.40 In reply to 5524.39 
Hi PaQ - that particular area for displaying edges of polygon meshes at mesh export time is a kind of special case area of the drawing engine, before the stuff I was talking about was more for the general case area of the regular working display where there are actual curves being displayed.

Currently MoI does treat those mesh-export polygon edges with basically the same process as curves, so it handles projecting the vertices onto the screen and forming polygons and then sending those polygons to the graphics card. That whole projection process is pretty fundamental for curve drawing since curves need to be broken down into individual separate lines, but for polygon edges it's not really quite the same thing so yeah for that particular area it could be possible to get a speed increase if I were to send 3D lines to the video card rather than textured polygons with the downside being that they won't get any antialiasing on them.

I can probably do an experiment in that one particular area - basically it's not an area that I've focused on a whole lot for performance tuning since it's only something that happens at one particular time (during mesh export) rather than all the time through regular work.

- Michael