Bit of a problem with Inset.

 From:  blowlamp
5508.13 In reply to 5508.12 
This notion came about as a natural progression from playing around with Inset.
Whilst trying to find the cause of my problem, I just kept reducing the Thickness setting until I reached the point where zero was the only place left to go :-)

Offsetting the face of a solid to allow it to shrink or grow feels like it could be worth having somewhere in MoI - it'd be great ( for me) for tweaking hole and slot sizes, for instance.

Sorry Michael, but I couldn't follow this bit:- "You can get the basics of it right now by using Edit > Separate on the face, then doing a shell, then deleting the bottom face of the shell and then joining it back in." I'm probably having a blonde moment though, but thoroughly enjoying using MoI.

Martin (2).