Feature request for MoI v3.

 From:  Michael Gibson
5503.22 In reply to 5503.19 
Hi Martin,

> In my dreams it would be nice to have a kind of 'local units' feature for any particular
> item in the drawing, but I do realise that this might be a large undertaking to ask of
> you and I don't really know if it's a practical thing to request.

Hmmm yeah I'm afraid that does not seem likely since there would have to be some accompanying UI to control such a thing and it would have to be pretty carefully designed in order to avoid creating confusion between the "file's units" versus "this particular object's units".

Confusion over what units are actually active can possibly lead to pretty big errors so it's not generally an area that I feel very comfortable doing too much experimentation.

> I much appreciate the work you have done on this and it will be a big help, because the 'calculator'
> will be right where I need it, assuming of course that it actually ends up in MoI.

Yup, I think the 'calculator' thing as shown will be safe to have, and I have that implemented now so it will be in the next v3 release.

I will also see today about making it possible to use a script to change what units are being displayed directly in the properties panel so that it will be possible to set up keyboard shortcuts to switch that around.

- Michael