relative constraint with polylines drawing...

 From:  Jesse
547.24 In reply to 547.13 

> Typically most people are more concerned about "up, down, left, and right" instead of "x,y,z".


The beautiful thing about MoI is that you don't have to deal with
a lot of the annoying idiosyncratic mechanisms typical of most other 3D programs.
There are some technical things to learn and concepts to understand, but the
interface is fairly transparent in that it's not inhibiting you so much from being
involved in the creative process.

Michael, I was trying to figure out how to use construction lines to re-orient a curve, similar to
the way Rhino's "orient 2 points" works, but then I realized it would have to scale and move
at the same time. Is that something that we'll eventually be able to do in MoI? Is there a way to do it now?



EDITED: 23 Apr 2007 by JESSE