Script outputs a circle but not a cylinder

 From:  Martin (MARTIN3D)
5441.7 In reply to 5441.6 
I'm using OS X and I copy the script from my text editor, press TAB in MoI, paste the script and hit ENTER without problems. I just tried it and copied and pasted directly from the browser window and it also worked fine. Maybe there's a clipboard setting in Windows to copy rich formatted text or something like this.

Unfortunatetly I don't know how to put scripts into a code box but here they are again with all line breaks removed. I chose the formated versions because it's easier to read.

script: /*draw box*/ var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'box' ); factory.setInput( 0, moi.vectorMath.createFrame() ); factory.setInput( 2, 20 ); factory.setInput( 3, 20 ); factory.setInput( 4, 20 ); factory.commit();

script: /*draw cylinder*/ var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'cylinder' ); factory.setInput( 1, moi.vectorMath.createFrame() ); factory.setInput( 3, 10 ); factory.setInput( 5, 40 ); factory.commit();

The first one draws a 20x20x20 box at the worlds origin axis the second one just a circle.