Best export for C4D

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5428.24 In reply to 5428.23 
your render is nice too,Rich..considering you did it just with C4D..i think if you do it in VRay you'll get same results
i see few guys on the other thread asking about Arion2:this is an Arion shot !
i'll post more Arion images soon,(i'm doing an heavy project..needs a lot of work..)

this handle is simple but cool,Shapenoid:my compliments !
so you got 3 elements:
1)the model
2)the HDRI lighting image
3)the render engine

something failed and you have pointed the finger on Moi that seems to be the wimpy ring of the chain but it isn't !
i know..Maxwell is out of suspects of course...but here,at home,sometimes we used to say that Mercedes cars can break too (i hope you'll understand what i mean)