Array on a spline with some randomisation

 From:  Michael Gibson
5416.31 In reply to 5416.26 
Hi Pilou,

> Does it possible to have something for the Move like this
> 0 to 10 so a "direction" of the Move :)

You could get this by editing the Randomize.js script - find the spot with:
function MoveObject( obj, move_dist, move_x, move_y, move_z )
	var dx = !move_x ? 0.0 : RandLerp( -move_dist, move_dist );
	var dy = !move_y ? 0.0 : RandLerp( -move_dist, move_dist );
	var dz = !move_z ? 0.0 : RandLerp( -move_dist, move_dist );

And then replace the -move_dist values with 0, like this:

function MoveObject( obj, move_dist, move_x, move_y, move_z )
	var dx = !move_x ? 0.0 : RandLerp( 0, move_dist );
	var dy = !move_y ? 0.0 : RandLerp( 0, move_dist );
	var dz = !move_z ? 0.0 : RandLerp( 0, move_dist );

Then I think it will have the directional behavior that you're asking about.

- Michael