Feature ideas maybe...

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
5387.7 In reply to 5387.6 
>Then the other main new tool needed in this general area is a "Match" tool which is about editing an edge of an untrimmed surface so that the surface is smooth with a neighboring one.

Michael, you mean Match Edge would'nt work on the edges that are trimmed, which is 98% of what my models are made of?

Uh oh... Am I getting that right?

>The tricky part is to make the plane deform in a nice way and not have things like undulations and ripples in areas where there are not any fit points.

I, as well as other will jump at the chance to Beta test the heck out it when you create it! Sounds awesome!

I know it might be silly that I suggested a surface wrinkle "relaxer" tool, but if Jheri Curl works on hair, shouldn't something work on NURBS? ;-)