Edge color

 From:  Samuel Zeller
Hi there

I'm using a shortcut to change the light options from 3D modelling to 2D drawing

My 2D drawing lighthing is "flat" so there's no shadows, no speculars

I use it for screenshots when making logos and such

is there a way to put the edges color in "by style" in the same shortcut (below) ?

script: /*2D*/ var v = moi.view; v.lightingStyle = 'CustomLevels'; v.specularHighlights = false; v.specularBrightness = 0; v.specularFocusSize = 0; v.metallicLighting = false; v.fixedLightPositions = true; v.customKeyLightLevel = 20; v.customFillLightLevel = 20;
-- shapenoid.com