G1 Fillet - Seem discontinuity.

 From:  Michael Gibson
5376.3 In reply to 5376.1 
Hi PaQ, actually I'll try to experiment a bit with swapping out the low level surface generator mechanism with my periodic one. Maybe I will be able to do that without introducing too big of a maintenence problem.

One general problem with tinkering with too much of the geometry library myself is that it can then get pretty difficult to merge in new updates and fixes later on.

This same problem can happen with closed sweeps and blends too as well as fillets, maybe if I can tune it up in one key spot I can improve all of those in one shot, it's worth a try anyway.

Before I was thinking that it would be too difficult to mess with the fillet generation code itself, but now I'm thinking that maybe I can tune it up in the general purpose surface lofting code instead.

- Michael