Issues with seams: MoI > C4D

 From:  Michael Gibson
5308.6 In reply to 5308.5 
Hi sneather,

> Is there an extensive (hidden?) library of such useful commands that I need to memorize, or add to other quick keys?

There is a library of them collected here: - the main place to find links to such things is on the resources section of the main web site.

But probably that show naked edges one would be the most useful one that you will want to have set up.

> My understanding is that STEP is the best format, but are there any specific settings of which
> the client needs to be aware, when they export from their CAD systems (Pro/E, Solidworks, etc.)?

Most of the time STEP is preferred, but unfortunately it's still a complex format and still needs to have trim curves processed in different ways and with any kind of fairly complex geometry processing there is some potential for problems. IGES can also have it's own set of issues as well but they tend to be somewhat different in nature so I'd really recommend asking for both STEP and IGES formats both instead of only one single format.

There shouldn't be any special settings needed when your clients export, just default settings should be fine.

> I would assume, depending on what they are using, the BEST possible format, would actually be .3dm.
> But I think that only applies to Rhino and MoI, or am I wrong there? Can Pro/E or Solidworks also write
> to that common format?

I think that Solidworks can read .3dm but not write one, and I'm not sure about Pro/E. So it may not be an option. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to ask about though, because yes most generally 3DM format involves the least amount of extra complex processing that needs to be done to things on import into MoI so that helps make things more robust.

- Michael