Probably simple trim issue ...

 From:  none (EVALON)
5269.4 In reply to 5269.3 
Hi Michael & Martin,

& thank you both for replying & illustrating ;-)

@Martin: Yes, it's something like what you are drawing that I'm looking for, although I need the lower surface of the "rod" to be exactly level with the lower surface of the ellipse. I'll experiment with that ...

@Michael: Thanks for clarifying some (I guess?) of the differences between trim & boolean. As you may have guessed I'm quite new to 3D modeling so I appreciate getting help in clarifying such concepts. BTW - I really like the name of this software - Moment of Inspiration - it gives me an image of my getting an idea or inspiration and then immediately being able to sketch it up ;-)

Now back to drawing ;-)

Greetings to you both,
