new beta soon?

 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5252.74 In reply to 5252.63 

Can you look in your nVidia driver settings to see if there is any option like "Threaded optimization" which can be turned off? Do you see any change in MoI after that?

In the Nvidia control panel,on advanced 3D settings i tried ON-OFF-AUTO,global settings and also -MOI V3 July-dedicated settings

GPU-Z screenshot about my card

during thread optimization turned -OFF- i ran windows task manager and i saw all four threads working(maybe they didn't run?..forgive me if i have misunderstood what you mean)

see below attached screenshots with all options:no great changes

good night Michael (here is midnight) see you tomorrow

EDITED: 25 Mar 2021 by M-DYNAMICS