new beta soon?

 From:  Michael Gibson
Ok, new v3 beta is out, you can get it here:

It may take me a day or two to gather up more info and make the official announcement.

But briefly the new stuff is:

Multiple cpu cores used in the draw engine - should speed up the display of complex models on multi-core machines. Please let me know how it benchmarks on your system, you can get a numeric benchmark by turning on the viewport display time which will put up a number in the upper-left corner of the viewport for how long it took to render a frame. You can toggle that on and off by setting up a shortcut key with the following script on it:
script: /* Toggle redraw time display */ moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime = !moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime;

You can compare numbers with that turned on in the previous v3 beta or v2 to the new multi-core enabled release.

PDF import has been totally overhauled, it should be a lot more robust and some kinds of PDFs that would previously get garbled should come through ok now.

New Extrude to point and Extrude tapered options for the Extrude command (2 new buttons on the Extrude options panel).

New Isocurve command under Construct > Curve > Iso, and a new "Isoparm" option for the Trim command when trimming a single surface.

I'll try to gather up some more details and make a proper announcement within the next couple of days.

- Michael