new beta soon?

 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

I just thought of something about the multi-core display...

Does this have anything to do with MoI's "Insufficient Memory" errors I get when I export object to an .obj?
Funny how I get those errors and the export fails making it's high-count poly's, yet Kerkythea and apps like it boast bazillion-poly capabilities.

Maybe it's something else causing the occasional IM errors (Red on yellow type). I generally have to hide objects and try the export on the rest with more conservative values.

Extremely high-res polys are sometimes overkill, but when I'm working on a close-up or glass/refraction objects for that matter, poly-number is key.

I also suspect that it could be the fact that I've only got a gig of ram in my home PC. :-/