Problems with MERGE or TRIM commands

 From:  mickelsen
Hi all,
I have a shape that I want to extrude into a solid and then I want to insert a series of surfaces into the solid to extract the middle part. I have included a drawing that may make this more understandable. On the left is the solid created from extruding the outline. On the right is the internal surfaces that I would like to use to create a hole in the solid with the internal edges defined by those surfaces. I can't just extrude an external and internal outline because the internal surfaces have some angles in them.

I've tried to use the Merge command but I couldn't get it to work the way I needed. Then, just for the halibut, I tried the Trim command, but it didn't work either. Can anyone tell me how to create that hole with the slanted sides in the middle of the larger solid?