Rounding/Conversion Error in Viewport

 From:  Michael Gibson
5196.3 In reply to 5196.1 
Hi FDP - that display in the upper right corner gets rounded when values are greater than 100 so that there would be more room to fit larger sized coordinate readouts like: "22200 x 2222 x 1122" on a single line there.

Right now the rounding happens for any values above 100, even if it was going to be just a single value displayed like it is for a line. I am planning on overhauling that in v3 so that it will only do the rounding when there is actually a shortage of space instead of just for any values over 100.

When you click on that line with the mouse, the popup that comes up will have full non-rounded values on it, so if you click there you should see that your value is actually correct.

There is also an update you can apply to your current installation to turn off the rounded display, see here: (for the v3 beta) (for v2)

> I copied and pasted part of the design from that file over to a new MoI
> project that was set to inches, then switched to mm. Everything converted
> slightly off (what should have been 170mm is instead 169.926mm).

This sounds like it might be a different problem - can you please send me the Rhino file that is not converting properly.

Did you mean to write the reverse - what was supposed to be 169.925mm is displaying as 170 in MoI's upper-right properties panel ? Because if it is actually the reverse of what you wrote then that is the same rounding issue and should be solved by the above updates.

Please let me know if the updated readout does not solve the problem for you.

- Michael