Kudos and a suggestion

 From:  dyarza

What a great tool MoI is! I finally had some time to play around with it for more than a couple of minutes, all I can say is fantastic! I'll most certainly be getting V1.

If I may there a re a couple of things that I found myself wishing for right away. First, I use a SpacePilot controller in Rhino and Cinema4D and I have gotten so used to it I miss it when not available. I would think with a tablet and 3D controller MoI would be so natural to use, I would love to see support for a 3D controller in the future. They have pretty inexpensive ones now too, ($50) so I think there would be a large user base.

The other think I missed was live symmetry. I know that you can mirror objects, but having the ability to edit half of your model while the other half updates live is a great feature when you are doing a lot of kinds of product design. I do a lot of automotive modeling as a hobby so of course I would miss that right away.

Thanks for a great product, I love the interface and the simplicity.
