Hotkey and UI requests

 From:  Michael Gibson
5141.5 In reply to 5141.1 
Hi Rich, re: #3 -

> 3. Would it be possible to allow for color options for the yellow preselection and
> selection color? Although there is variation in color value, I find myself confusing
> them.

There are some settings in moi.ini that control the selection color. To edit moi.ini go to Options > General and push the "Edit .ini file" button.

Then in the .ini file find the [View] section and find these settings:


These are all red,green,blue color values with each value ranging from 0 to 255, so 0,0,0 is black, 255,255,255 is white, and other colors are different mixes of red green and blue. You should be able to use the color picker in a bitmap editor program to see the r,g,b values of different colors.

The "transition" ones are used for the hover colors, see here for some more notes on that:

- Michael