Hotkey and UI requests

 From:  Michael Gibson
5141.16 In reply to 5141.15 
Hi Mike,

> Found out that V3 doesn't seem to like the ".js" on the end of
> "FullScreen.js" for a key command.

What are you putting in for the shortcut? Are you maybe starting it with script: at the front of it? That prefix script: is actually only meant to be used when the script code itself is directly in the shortcut, when it refers to a separate .js file don't put script: in the front, just put the whole path to the .js file like: c:\scripts\FullScreen.js . It will also try to automatically add the .js when it checks to see if that shortcut is actually a file that can be loaded though too.

> Okay, noticed a problem with FullScreen.js - on first activation it adds a
> large blank area to the left of my command pane (which is on the right).

It's probably something to do with the scene browser pane - over here I don't get a blank area but it does show the scene browser pane even though it's supposed to be turned off.

Do you get normal operation if you turn the browser pane on before doing FullScreen ? Or do you maybe have the browser in "inside" mode?

- Michael