some help please

 From:  Michael Gibson
5105.14 In reply to 5105.13 
Hi southpaw,

> but, would that mean the 488' wall of only 40'8"
> should be 410'? bizarre math..

Well it's a bug so that's why it's weird! :)

Basically the bug is that you're actually seeing an inches value that's accidentally being displayed as feet.

When you enter in 13'3.5" that's actually 159.5 total inches (as a decimal value). It's rounding that value to 160 and then mistakenly reporting it as 160 feet instead of inches. So anyway that's where that particular number comes from.

The bug happened because this bit of display code assumes that if you have a "feet & inches" display set then the numbers it is given are in feet, because originally in MoI feet & inches display only was available for units=feet and wasn't added for units=inches until later on at some point.

I'll have fix for you momentarily...

- Michael