Testing v3 for vehicle modelling

 From:  TpwUK
5101.24 In reply to 5101.23 
Thanks fort he reply Michael,

> They're kind of in a gray area in fact where you may be better off using tools that are more focused on organic character modeling to them like sub-d modeling tools.

You know what - That's got to be the best description of the scenario anyone has ever offered. I have tried my hand with Sub D but I find it way more difficult than Nurbs. The surfaces generated by Nurbs are wonderfully smooth and give pretty much instant gratification, sadly i struggle with poly modelling and the amount of time that needs to be invested in that technique makes it somewhat prohibitive to me - Instant results and the "honest" feedback that Nurbs delivers is far superior.

But i will give this lambo a try in Rhino and see what happens with an import to MoI and then Export to Obj to try in Blender Cycles. It's a shame I don't have more time to play with MoI as I would love to work on an exporting script for an external rendering engine such as LuxRender.
