Hiya everybody and a little Moi issue to start with.. :)

 From:  Maximus (MAX)
Hi everybody!

Now i decided to post on this forum too. Like everyone else here i love working with Moi3D, it's a real yummy piece of candy for us 3d artists.

Anyways.. i modeled a thing i Rhino 4 which i then imported into Moi3D and from there i wanna export it as .obj but now is when the problems start, Moi seems to duplicate a couple of objects and offset them a bit and it even rescales a couple of others and places them all wrong.

The screenshots below shows better what i'm talking about.

Rhino 4


Btw, Michael. Thanks for your great improvements and hard work on the mesher engine. It works like a charm now :)

(Ok i don't know how to add images to my post on this forum so to view them you gotta do some manual work, sorry.)

/ Magnus