MoI v3 Wishlist ?

 From:  TpwUK
5062.16 In reply to 5062.15 
Ok here is what i mean. It takes a whole heap of messing about to produce the shapes, and then the boolean results wont unite back again, and the solid don't behave as a solid, it behaves as a skin with no real density/mass. If it's this difficult using the tools provided step by step, then I am seriously flawed in my methodology, yes it can be achieved with profiling and revolve etc, but if all i want to do is to add some patterning to an object some way along the line, without thinking about it at the time of construction, then i would have to restart that part over to add the pattern.

Now i can see how much of a pain it could be programmatically and understand the complexity it could add, it's perhaps because of the way the "Solids" don't behave like solids that i find it frustrating and just too much darned work when all i am doing at the moment is learning and playing with MoI. So in reality i guess my wish is for solids to behave as solids, if that's possible ?


EDITED: 26 Jun 2015 by TPWUK