Clean export to Modo

 From:  PaQ
Hi Andrew,

I was on the beta of the CAD loader.

The target of the product is CAD users coming from the solidworks world, that need to get their cad data into Modo.
The plugin for example manage instances, meaning you can reduce memory usage a lot in some situation. There is also
a light curve display mode that can help to handle huge model inside Modo.

Now as an exclusive MoI user, it's an other story.

First, I can tell you, nothing can beat MoI ngones output for the moment ... You seems as picky as me about micro details, you will probably loose your hair here with the cad loader.
You can say, from your knobs test here, that ngones dont work well in modo. I respect the pov, but I will continue to use the ngones export. I have render many models at print size, and it's really hard to notice those micro glitches. (In fact I miss them until your post here).

Second, if you come from MoI, you have to deal with .igs or .stp format, and that gives a lot of troubles on the table too compared to a true .3dm loader (or a MoI poly export). Be prepared to have disconnected fillets, holes, inverted or missing surfaces (bad trimming) etc.

I have seen outstanding result with Cad loader, many people are really pleased of the product compared to something like polytrans.
I wasn't that lucky with my models so far.

I think you can request a demo of cad loader now, but I'm affreaid you need at least a 601 licence (601 demo is not out yet).

EDITED: 8 Mar 2012 by PAQ