fillet trouble again

 From:  laurent (WINGCHUN)
4914.3 In reply to 4914.2 
hi mjs

i'm not saying that i will stop using MOI. I still want to buy it as soon as possible for me.
i talked about 123D because i remember someone going from MOI to 123D to make fillet (as it seems to be more easy in 123D) and going back to MOI.
The thing is how should i model a watch for example in moi to be able to have fillet everywhere it's needed ?
In the software i use for polygon modeling and rendering (modo) there is no option to make fake bevel at render time so i need to have real fillet. On a watch for example, if i want to make close up product shot for rendering i absolutely need this fillet to be there.

anyway i'll stick with MOI for sure. i just need fillets :)
Thanks for taking part mjs :)
