modo like UI

 From:  Michael Gibson
4911.7 In reply to 4911.6 
Hi jacobo - for v2 the button that shows or hides the browser is in SidePaneFooter.htm - it's the <moi:ShowHideStateButton> element that's the only actual UI element in that particular file.

The button colors come from the images listed in the class there, they're: ShowHideStateButton_highlight.png and ShowHideStateButton_on.png , and the button's text color is inherited from the body so set a color: property on the body to adjust it regular text color, and the mouseover text color of blue comes from the color:blue part of the moi\:ShowHideStateButton css entry in that file.

This is all set up quite differently in v3, in v3 images are not used to draw these controls, instead it specifies things like border radius and gradient fill values in the CSS itself.

- Michael