
 From:  Michael Gibson
4894.4 In reply to 4894.3 
Hi val,

> I was just wondering if I can tighten up the tolerances in Moi so
> it's harder to make a solid?

The tolerances it targets is already pretty tight - it shoots for an accuracy of 0.001 units. Is that particular tolerance target a problem for you?

> I was trying to figure out a way to use the deform tool as it
> seems to be the thing affecting the models.

It sounds like you're running into some kind of bug with the deformer. Do you have an example model that you can send to me so I can try to reproduce the deformation problem and work on a solution for it? In order to have the best chance at solving it I need to have the model in its state _before_ the deformation so that I can run the deformation on it and debug it to see what is going wrong with it, and test solutions.

> I would want it to be a set of surfaces (rather than saying it's
> a solid) that I could repair in moi without sending it out of the
> software to find the errors.

If the result of the deformation is mangled or out of tolerance in some way, then the solution is for me to fix the deformer code so that it generates a good result.

It would help a lot if I could see an actual example model that shows the problem you're having, particularly if I can reproduce the problem over here by being able to run the code that generates the bad model.

- Michael