
 From:  val2

Yes I know you have said it many times but then you go off in some other direction which isn't what I'm talking about So I then try to bring it back.

Just to clarify,

I have no interest in the the test model other than to show what is happening.

I know the model is mangled and that you have stated it and I have stated it as well. the whole point is that the model is mangled. It is mangled because of the use deformer and the exporters. But I can't know that the model is mangled until I import it into some other software. if it is mangled the Moi should say that it is (as in saying it is a series of surface and not a solid)

I have no interest in Rhino per-say I was just using it as an example. I send out my models to people who are using solidworks. They complained about the models failing. So I have no interest in importing files into Rhino as 3DM files as that is not what I'm up to.

So it must also be Solidworks STP importer as well that has a problem
I also get problems with Freecad and importing the STP
I also get problems with 123D importing STP

I have in other files removed end caps and joined them I can go through and fix the files by hand. i know how to do that. but this is all beside the point.

I'm not asking for Moi to work the same as other software. I'm asking that when I export the file the file behaves correctly on export.

I originally asked a simple question "should I drop trying to use the deformer until it is fixed?" and it was answered by you in a round about way as "yes stop using it until it's fixed."

But then you have basically said there isn't anything wrong with it and it is all the other software packages importers that are wrong. which I am disagreeing with you about.

