Script for curve inside a polygon?

 From:  Michael Gibson
4888.4 In reply to 4888.3 
Hi Pilou,

> PS Does it possible to have the Rho in memory ? Usefull when
> you repeat the conic function! ;)

It's not possible for the regular operation of Conic, because you can also use the mouse to place a point, and every time you move the mouse the Rho value that matches that mouse point is placed into the Rho value so you can get feedback on what your mouse is doing.

It is possible though to make a customized version of Conic that disables that mouse feedback. With that disabled then it would work to make a persistent Rho value. I have attached a custom version of Conic that does that - if you want Conic to behave with a persistent Rho value and no mouse feedback, copy the attached Conic.htm file over top of the standard one inside of the \commands folder.

With this version push Tab and then Enter to accept the previous Rho value.

- Michael