Tutorial Videos

 From:  Chris (CHRISJK)
I am evaluating the trial version of MOI and in all likelihood will end up buying it.

This is despite the fact that apart from the two videos that 3DKiwi posted on C4DCafe I haven't found a tutorial video that is really helpful.

I value the visual form of training highly, so videos are great for me but the so called tutorials that appear on YouTube etc, that lack sound or a written (Sticky note overlay type) explanation of what is going on but which generally proceed at a high speed, are not at all helpful. Indeed, as I commented on one, in my view they do a disservice to the software under discussion, making it look like territory for super-whiz-kids only.

I am reasonably skilled using Sketchup, Turbocad, Solidworks and a couple of other CAD programs, so I am not a total beginner but I really should appreciate some dedicated up-to date video tutorials. Fortunately, I have an account with Lynda.com and looking at the Rhino stuff helps!